The Advantages Of Emergency Mobile Stretcher

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The use of an emergency mobile stretcher improves safety during transport and greatly reduces the number of adverse events.

The security of emergency mobile stretcher

The use of an emergency mobile stretcher improves safety during transport and greatly reduces the number of adverse events. When transporting patients in confined spaces or stairways, securing straps can restrain patients from slipping and tipping during lifting, ensuring safety during transport. For agitated patients, the immobilization belt has a restraining effect. Therefore, it prevents accidents caused by rollover and slippage.

The comfort of emergency mobile stretcher

The emergency mobile stretcher increases comfort during transfers. The transfer of patients from bed to the trolley and from the trolley to various examination tables or surgery through narrow hallways avoids the physiological and psychological damage of multiple moves, reduces patient pain, shortens transfer time, and increases patient satisfaction.

The risk minimization of emergency mobile stretcher

The use of an emergency mobile stretcher reduces the risk of secondary injuries during transport and saves labor and energy. The risk of re-injury during equipment changes is increased when patients have to switch to other assistive devices during in-hospital examinations and treatment. Once the emergency mobile stretcher is used for patients, it can be used for all types of imaging examinations, ultrasound examinations, all auxiliary examinations, and the transfer of patients before and after surgery. It can also be used in pre-hospital emergency and in-hospital acute and critical care transfer, solving the dilemma of lack of human and material resources in such cases as unaccompanied, elderly, and frail patients, and avoiding the risk of aggravating the condition due to improper handling.

The wide application range of emergency mobile stretcher

The emergency mobile stretchers are used in pre-hospital emergencies and in various departments of the hospital to transport various types of critically ill patients and perform various examinations. It is especially important to use an emergency mobile stretcher to transport critically ill patients in pre-hospital emergencies, such as in narrow hallways and stairs, or from a small train car. In case of transporting patients with coma, shock, obesity, multiple injuries combined with spinal injuries and various examinations, it is much more convenient to use the soft stretcher, and it does not produce artifacts in X-ray, CT, MRI and other imaging examinations, which improves the efficiency of emergency integrated examinations and reduces the discomfort of carrying patients for multiple examinations.

The flexibility of emergency mobile stretcher

The emergency mobile stretcher is inexpensive, has a small footprint, and is lighter to carry in prehospital emergencies, as it can be packed in a small bag. It can also be used for patients with infectious diseases because the emergency mobile stretcher can be sterilized.
