How To Deal With Infidelity In A Relationship

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How to save a relationship if you cheated and your partner found out about it

So, we are now talking about a situation in which it became known that you cheated on a partner with another person. These first minutes, hours and days and how you behave, your partner will remember and replay in his head more than once.

Let's take a look at a few major mistakes that make things worse and cost sleepless nights and mental health to everyone involved. Especially if the relationship with the partner or partner you have deceived is dear to you and you want to keep your couple.

The secret became clear. After all, from time to time you involuntarily thought about what would happen if the deception was revealed. So you have an obvious advantage: you are prepared for what is happening, but your partner or partner is not, they only found out about it now.

So, everything is revealed. It is unpleasant to be a source of pain for another person, but the situation with infidelity has a dual specificity: you are the reason why the other is hurt, and you are most likely the one from whom comfort is expected.

You should take into account that the behavior of the person you cheated on and who just found out about it can be ambivalent: you can be cursed and at the same time seek your support, you can be driven away and immediately killed because you left.

You will be asked a thousand questions and will not want to listen to the answers. Be prepared for this. This is how acute stress affects a person, and if you owe something to your partner, it’s not to leave him or her in this situation, at least in the first hours or days.

And there are also your own feelings of guilt and shame, and, unfortunately, they quickly burn out in a spiritual furnace and turn into ... irritation and anger. Yes, one of the most common reactions in such moments is anger at a partner.

We don't like to feel bad, so anger quickly shifts to those who - we think - make us feel that way. These are echoes of our upbringing. Who was not reproached by the teacher in childhood, who was not reprimanded by the father? We all have a built-in response to accusations.

But this story is yours. And so now it is you who will have to cope with both yourself and the emotions of another. I think that you need to read about how to find out if he's cheating on his phone and it will be useful for you
