A Guide to Help You Choose the Right Breast Surgery for You!

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Plastic surgery is not just limited to cosmetic surgery. Plastic surgery can help in changing the lives of the people by making them feel more confident and comfortable in their own body. One such procedure is breast surgery which is effective for women who face problems with the size and

Plastic surgery is not just limited to cosmetic surgery. Plastic surgery can help in changing the lives of the people by making them feel more confident and comfortable in their own body. One such procedure is breast surgery which is effective for women who face problems with the size and shape of their breasts and want to get the surgery done for aesthetic or medical reasons. Breast surgery can be classified into two main parts: Breast Augmentation and Breast Reduction. Breast augmentation primarily augments the size of the breasts whereas breast reduction, as the name suggests, reduces the breast size, makes them proportionate to each other and reduces the pain or discomfort associated with enlarged breasts. Thus, plastic cosmetic surgery has a huge role in making patients' lives easier. 


Breast Reduction Surgery

Breast reduction is opted by females with disproportionately large breasts to mitigate following issues:

  1. Chronic irritation and rash under the breast crease.
  2. The weight of the breast is causing pain in the upper back, neck and shoulders.
  3. Nerve pain.
  4. Poor self-image, self-conscious, emotional or physical distress and lack of confidence.
  5. Difficulty in fitting into clothing.
  6. Breast Sagging.


Breast Augmentation Surgery


Breast augmentation is a procedure to enhance the size of the breast. This can be done by two methods:


  1. Breast Implants
    Different types of implants are used for breast augmentation. The most common implants used in India are silicone implants to restore volume shape of the breasts. There are three main types of incisions used in placing an implant: Inframammary, Periareolar, Axillary. Implants can last a lifetime in most cases. However, certain situations can arise when an implant may need to be removed or replaced.

  2. Breast Fat Grafting
    Also known as Lipoinjection, it is another option for small volume plumping of breasts such as cleavage creation. Fat is aspirated from the abdomen or thighs centrifuged before being injected with fine cannulas. The advantage of lipo injection is the soft natural feel of fat. Multiple sessions may be needed as some amount of fat gets naturally absorbed in the body.


Breast Lift Surgery


A breast lift which is also known as mastopexy. It is a surgical procedure performed by a plastic surgeon to lift protruding breasts. Ideal candidates for breast lift surgery are as follows:

  1. Women with sagging breasts due to aging or breastfeeding.
  2. Lack of firmness in breasts.
  3. Asymmetrical breasts i.e. one is larger than the other one.
  4. Flattened upper part of the breast.



What is the cost of breast surgeries?

The cost of breast surgery includes surgeon’s fee, anesthesia fee, hospital room fee, lab test fee and post-surgery garment price. The total amount varies depending on your location and surgeon’s skill.


If one is looking for breast surgery cost in Mumbai, then they can consult with Dr. Parag Telang, Mumbai’s most experienced and board-certified cosmetic plastic surgeon.
